
In Johannesburg, South Africa, the Three2Six Refugee Children’s Education Project (a Marist project) provides afternoon bridging education for refugee and migrant children to prepare them to enter public schools. During the COVID-19 lockdown, children received lessons and homework through weekly broadcasts on a Catholic radio station and on WhatsApp. To catch students up on missed learning after they returned, older students such as Ayanda, aged 10, attended outdoor educational and activity camps.
Photo: Lizette Cressey
Welcome to the 2020 Annual Report of Misean Cara. We are a vibrant missionary membership organisation working at the forefront of long-term development and humanitarian work in the Global South.

Established in 2004, Misean Cara is a faith-based development organisation with 88 members made up of Irish religious congregations and lay missionary organisations working in over 50 countries. Our members deliver vital services throughout the Global South in the areas of education, health, sustainable livelihoods and human rights.
Our purpose is to facilitate our members to deliver effective development work to some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people around the world. We do this in a number of ways.

In 2020, Misean Cara supported 99 education projects, implemented by 34 members in 35 countries, targeting 255,106 people.

Misean Cara supported 53 health projects in 2020, through 28 members in 16 countries, serving a total of 643,228 people.

Sustainable Livelihoods
In 2020, Misean Cara supported 68,245 people in 15 countries through 41 livelihood projects implemented by 20 members.

Humanitarian Response
In 2020, we provided emergency funding and humanitarian assistance to 577,068 people through 116 projects in 31 countries implemented by 35 members. This is the largest commitment to emergency funding in the past five years.

to COVID-19
Misean Cara members, living alongside the communities they serve, were ideally placed to see the immediate impact of the pandemic when it emerged and to respond quickly to the needs of the people they work with.

Innovation Fund
Since its launch in 2019, Misean Cara’s Innovation Fund has proved popular with our members and the Fund shows evidence of having long-term positive impact.

Human Rights
In 2020, Misean Cara provided funding for 40 human rights projects by 23 members in 25 countries reaching 289,787 people.

Member Capacity Development
In 2020, Misean Cara funded 17 members implementing 22 projects in 14 countries
In 2020, our members worked around the globe.

Celestina Domíngues Félix (34) stands with her bio garden in the crowded informal settlement of José Carlos Mariátegui (San Juan de Lurigancho District) in Lima, Peru where she lives. A housewife, she uses hydroponic technology to grow vegetables for food and income to help support her family (including three children under the age of 18 and her partner, who is a self-employed tradesman). Celestina and her family migrated to Lima from the rural area of Huánuco Department, where she is originally from and where she attended secondary school. Since 2020, she has been a participant of the ADSOPUR project (Association for Sustainable Development in Urban and Rural Settlements), which is administered by the Presentation Sisters. On the arid, steep hillsides of San Juan de Lurigancho, hydroponic technology is an ideal option for the cultivation of vegetables.
Photo: Miguel Moran Moran