Total Member Capacity Development Spending

Human Resource Skills Development

Institutional Change and Systems Development

Organisational Strengthening
Having a quality team to implement a project is a key component in successful outcomes for the communities involved. We provide practical support aimed at strengthening member organisations and their ability to deliver effective projects. Our Member Capacity Development funding provides members with the resources to build their organisational capacity through formal training and skills development in areas such as human resource management, governance and oversight, and project cycle management, including monitoring and evaluation.
In 2022, Misean Cara funded 19 members implementing 24 projects in 25 countries.
This funding is also focused on developing local capacity to manage development initiatives. Misean Cara recognises the need to grow local leadership structures, and to assist our members in building skills and knowledge amongst their local counterparts in order to aid a smooth, effective transfer of organisational and project management.
individuals from 27 members in 23 countries took part in training for safeguarding, project and financial management, monitoring & evaluation, and fundraising
successfully strengthened strategies, policies and systems
*These figures represent a subset of results reported by our members in 2022 using funding allocated in 2021.

Strengthening Organisational Capacity Through Training
Misean Cara member
Salvatorian Office for International Aid (SOFIA)
The Salvatorian Office for International Aid (SOFIA) was established in 2008 as the development project coordinating office for the Society of the Divine Saviour, a Misean Cara member. Responding to the need for training for those involved in the management of missionary development projects, over the past ten years SOFIA has trained more than 350 project personnel from 35 countries. In partnership with SOFIA, we have funded the participation of many of our members in these courses. In 2022, 19 staff from Misean Cara member organisations took part in fundraising and/or monitoring and evaluation training (9 in fundraising, 10 in monitoring and evaluation).
The week-long workshops offer comprehensive training on project management so that participants are better able to gather data, identify needs and plan effective projects. Emphasis is also placed on project implementation, including monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The workshops enhance the skills of project personnel to bring about greater impact in the communities they serve.
After the training every year, SOFIA follows up with the Misean Cara members who participate to learn more about the impact of the training on their management of projects. This enables Misean Cara to gain insights into how members apply their learning in developing new funding proposals as well as for developing monitoring and evaluation systems to strengthen the approach, impact and sustainability of their projects.
For further information about our work or to comment on this report, please contact:
Misean Cara
4th Floor, Callaghan House,
13-16 Dame Street, Dublin 2,
D02 HX67, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 1 405 5028
Facebook: /MiseanCaraIreland
Twitter: @miseancara
©2023 Misean Cara

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of Irish Aid.

Misean Cara has signed the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages for Non-Governmental Development Organisations.

Misean Cara has achieved the triple-lock standard of good governance & reporting standards.

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of GHR Foundation.

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of ESB Electric Aid.

Misean Cara gratefully acknowledges the funding support of Americares.