

MissionAid April 2021: Delivering education during COVID-19

Read the latest project updates and news from Misean Cara in the latest issue of our MissionAid newsletter. MissionAid April 2021During the...

International Women’s Day 2021: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”

This year’s UN theme for International Women’s Day (8th March), is a very fitting one for 2021–“Women in leadership: Achieving...

International Women’s Day 2021: “Choose to Challenge”

Kalpana Bishowkarma (right) a nutrition intervention outreach worker with the Jiri municipality in Nepal, leads a training session for local...

Misean Cara supports Human Rights Day seminar linking education and child rights

To mark World Human Rights Day, Misean Cara partner De La Salle Solidarity International is co-hosting a seminar on best...

ERI online course creates a buzz for human rights in Misean Cara projects

World Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10th December, the day when the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal...

Loreto Sisters highlight adolescent girls’ empowerment to combat human trafficking

Above: An adolescent girls’ empowerment group of the Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre. Photo: Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre. The global #16Days...


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