Feedback & Complaints Procedure

Handling Feedback and Complaints

How Misean Cara Handles Feedback and Complaints

Misean Cara is committed to ensuring that all our communications and dealings with our members, the public and our supporters are of the highest possible standard. We listen and respond to the views and concerns of our members, the public and our supporters so that we can continue to improve. As a charity receiving donations from the public, we take every measure to ensure best practice and comply with the Charities Regulator’s “Guidelines for charitable organisations fundraising from the public”.

Misean Cara welcomes both positive and constructive feedback. We aim to ensure that all feedback or complaints can be made as easily as possible by telephone, letter, email or in person (see contact details below). We will take your feedback or complaint seriously. We will acknowledge all feedback and complaints and aim to deal with them in an open and honest way. We will respond accordingly – for example, with an explanation, or a sincere and meaningful apology, correcting an error, and updating you on any action(s) taken, etc. We will try to learn from any mistakes we have made. Our management team considers a summary of all complaints on a regular basis as well as details of any serious complaints. Where there is a need for change within the organisation, we will develop an action plan setting out what we will do, who will do it and when we plan to do it by. We will let you know when changes we have promised are made and implemented.

How to make a complaint?

If you have a complaint about any aspect of our work, you can contact the Marketing & Communications Officer as follows:

By email:

By telephone: +353-1-4055028

Postal address: Misean Cara, 4th Floor, Callaghan House, 13-16 Dame Street, Dublin 2,                  D02 HX67, Ireland

Office opening hours: Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 17:30 and Fridays 09:00 to 17:00.

In the first instance, your complaint will be received by our Marketing & Communications Officer. Please provide as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond to you by providing relevant contact details.

Stage 1:

What happens next?

If you complain in person or over the telephone, we will try to resolve the issue there and then, where possible. If you complain by email or in writing, we will always acknowledge your complaint within 7 days and do everything we can to resolve it within 21 days. If this is not possible, we will explain why and provide a new deadline.

Stage 2:

What if the complaint is not resolved?

If you are dissatisfied with our response, you may contact our CEO in writing who will acknowledge your complaint within 7 days.  The email address is available from  The CEO will ensure that your appeal is considered at management level and will respond in writing within 21 working days.

Stage 3:

What if the complaint is still not resolved?

If you are not satisfied with the Management response, then you can contact the Chairperson of the Board in writing who will ensure your appeal is considered at Board level and will respond within 14 days. The email address for the Chair is available from

If you need assistance in making a complaint, any of our staff will aim to help you make your complaint known to us.

For matters of suspected illegality please address these immediately to An Garda Siochána

If appropriate you may make a complaint under Misean Cara’s Protected Disclosure (Whistle-blowing) Policy available below:

The CEO is typically the first point of contact for such disclosures, but it will depend on the seriousness of the disclosure and who you think is involved in it. The Grievance & Complaints procedure in the Employee Handbook is available to employees to raise a complaint. Agents of Misean Cara should refer to the Settlement of Disputes clause in their contract[1].

[1] An agent is a person who has been legally empowered to act on behalf of another person or an entity.

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