Missionaries continue to empower in ‘shocking’ conditions – report in the Irish Catholic Newspaper

Interviewed in the 18th July edition of the Irish Catholic Newspaper, Misean Cara CEO, John Moffett, spoke of the enduring impact that Ireland’s missionaries continue to have in vulnerable communities across the global south, often working in the most challenging and formidable conditions.

In 2023, Misean Cara provided 13.6 million in funding support to 321 projects in 52 countries, administered by 52 missionary development organisations who are members of Misean Cara. Journalist Chai Brady spoke with John about several members whose projects in 2023 and beyond are exemplary of the long-term commitment and fortitude required of missionaries when working to uphold the rights of marginalised people to access healthcare, livelihoods, education, human rights and support during sudden-onset emergencies.

To read the full text of the article, please click here.

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