Misean Cara 20th Anniversary Conference & 2024 AGM

On June 26th at the Camden Court Hotel in Dublin, we were pleased to host our 2024 AGM & 20th Anniversary Conference. At our AGM, topics included financial reports for the year and an overview of member results and impact across all of Misean Cara’s Strategic Goals. Guests at the AGM included representatives from Misean Cara’s 77 member organisations, as well as Misean Cara Board members, staff, and special guests.

To mark the 20th anniversary of Misean Cara’s founding, and 20 years of progress towards Ireland’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through missionary development projects, we were delighted to welcome guests to our 20th anniversary conference “Synodality in International Development”. Moderated by Dr. Toni Pyke, AMRI, the conference engaged in a lively conversation, with audience input, on Synodality in international development with a focus on the ongoing transition to locally-led leadership of missionary development organisations and projects. The panelists included:

  • Christina Duranti – Director General, Good Shepherd International Foundation
  • Sr. Anne Codd – AMRI & Presentation Sisters
  • Sr. Franca Onyibor – Director on Misean Cara Board & Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary
  • Liz Higgins – Education Expert & Former Ambassador of Ireland to Malawi
  • Fr. Gerry O’Hanlon – Irish theologian; Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice; member of the Council for Justice and Peace of the Irish Episcopal Conference; and member of the Association of Catholic Priests.

Photos from our 2024 AGM & 20th Anniversary Conference

All photos by Jenny Barker of Jenny Barker Photography

At our AGM, we also launched our 2023 Annual Report showing key results showing the invaluable contributions made by Irish missionary organisations to Ireland’s international development goals, through their unique approach to development work. To learn more about our 2023 Annual Report and the results achieved around the world by our members with support from Misean Cara, please click here.

To read and download our 2023 Misean Cara Annual Report please click here!

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