SafeBirth4All – Eliminating Obstetric Fistula by 2040

Misean Cara has joined forces with Medical Missionaries of Mary and the Association of Leaders of Missionaries & Religious of Ireland (AMRI) for the SafeBirth4All campaign to eradicate obstetric fistula by 2040.

Obstetric fistula is one of the most neglected public-health and human-rights realities for women and girls in the global south. Caused by obstructed labor it accounts for up to 6% of all maternal deaths globally, and leaves millions of women and girls living in poverty as outcasts from their society, rejected by their families and communities.

Largely eradicated in the developed world, obstetric fistula is a wholly preventable condition, provided that appropriate medical and obstetric facilities including emergency caesarean section are available.

Click here to learn more about how the SafeBirth4All campaign aims for a world where no woman or girl suffers from fistula, by spreading awareness campaigns on its prevention and connecting survivors with treatment and support to resume their lives in dignity.

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