Misean Cara in the Mission Sunday Supplement of The Irish Catholic Newspaper!

Misean Cara is delighted to be the NGO partner with The Irish Catholic Newspaper for its 2024 World Mission Sunday Supplement. Click here to view the entire supplement, which appeared in the 17th October issue of the newspaper, just in advance of World Mission Sunday, 20th October 2024.

Included in the supplement are an interview with Misean Cara Board Vice-Chair Sr. Josephine McCarthy, followed by a feature article about Misean Cara’s recent visit to Kenya as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations in 2024, with guests from the leadership of Ireland’s three Churches represented by Misean Cara-funded projects. Included in this article are personal reflection pieces by Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Diocese of Waterford & Lismore and Sr. Josephine McCarthy.

Read on from here or click on the images below to access these stories and more from Misean Cara members who also feature in the supplement!

Mission Sunday Supplement – The Irish Catholic Newspaper 17th October 2024.

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