Kenya Reflections

In September this year, Misean Cara CEO, John Moffett, journeyed to Kenya for a week, accompanied by Misean Cara’s Board Vice-Chair Sr. Josephine McCarthy (Presentation Sisters) as part of a year-long celebration of Misean Cara’s 20th anniversary.

They were joined on this special trip by leadership representatives from the three churches in Ireland, all of whom have overseas development projects that are supported by Misean Cara: Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Diocese of Waterford and Lismore; Reverend Uel Mars, Global Mission Secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland; and Jenny Smyth (Mission Director of Church Mission Society Ireland (CMS Ireland).

Below find a selection of reflection pieces by Misean Cara’s four guests, on their experiences and impressions from travelling to Misean Cara-supported projects in Kenya.

Photo (Left to Right): Jenny Smyth, Mission Director CMSIreland; Paul Gichuki, Misean Cara Mentor East Africa; John Moffett, CEO of Misean Cara; Reverend Uel Marrs, Global Mission Secretary Presbyterian Church in Ireland; Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Diocese of Waterford & Lismore; Sr. Josephine McCarthy, Presentation Sisters and Vice-Chair Misean Cara Board of Directors.

Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Diocese of Waterford & Lismore

I was privileged to have been invited to join a small team of people to go to Kenya to see some projects which are being sponsored by Misean Cara, which is celebrating 20 years of its existence.

There were six of us in total. I joined three members of the Board of Misean Cara, a Presbyterian minister and a lay member of the Church of Ireland.  Leaving behind many preoccupations in the Diocese I entered into a very different world in Kenya. It was my second time in the country but the contrast with home was still very stark.

Click here to read Bishop Cullinan’s full reflection piece…

Sr. Josephine McCarthy, Presentation Sister, Vice-Chair of Misean Cara Board of Directors

All of the projects we visited are focused on involving local communities in their plans, providing training and education for local leaders.

Missionaries have an advantage as they live and work in the community and are immersed in the life of the local community.

Their commitment is to local communities rather than to projects and they take a holistic view of the community and its needs. They know the problems and they are trusted by the communities.

Click here to read Sr. Jo’s full reflection piece.

Jenny Smyth, Mission Director Church Mission Society Ireland (CMSI)

It was a great pleasure to be nominated by Archbishop John McDowell to represent the Church of Ireland as part of the Misean Cara 20th anniversary visit to Kenya.

As a member of Misean Cara, CMS Ireland has benefitted from the mission accompaniment model of practice as well as receiving financial support for several of the projects delivered by our global church partners in Africa and Asia.

As a member organisation we have access to advice from experts in development project management and also become part of a mutually supportive network of like-minded congregations sharing similar purposes.

Click here to read Jenny Smyth’s full reflection piece.

Reverend Uel Marrs, Global Mission Director Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Watch a short video here, to hear Reverend Uel Marrs share his thoughts on the achievements being made through the community-strengthening Samburu Awareness & Action Project in Samburu County, Kenya, with the support of Misean Cara and Irish Aid.

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