Sowing ‘seeds of hope’ to mark Laudato Si’ Week 2024

By Eamonn Casey, Misean Cara Project Officer for Human Rights & Advocacy

Pentecost Sunday, 19th May, marks the official kick-off of Laudato Si’ Week and the 9th anniversary of Pope Francis’s encyclical on the Care of Creation.

Convinced along with Pope Francis that “there are no lasting changes without cultural changes… and there are no cultural changes without personal changes” (LD 70), the Laudato Si’ Action Platform – of which Misean Cara is a member – urges likeminded actors to join in personal, organisational, community and advocacy challenges that can, incrementally, help transform societies.

The theme of this year’s Laudato Si’ Week, Seeds of Hope, is inspired by the symbol of the 2024 Season of Creation (September/October), “the first fruits of hope”.

Misean Cara is marking Laudato Si’ Week 2024 by sharing with members an advocacy action plan centred on the elections for the European Parliament, and taking that action in common with groups from the Laudato Si’ Movement across Europe.

That Movement is a learning, sharing and action network to inspire and mobilise action for climate and ecological justice, and to raise our voices in a politics for people and in fraternity with people, as Pope Francis has urged.

Through collective actions like this, Misean Cara members – missionary organisations for sustainable development – are joining other members of the Laudato Si’ Movement in foregrounding political asks on urgent Climate Action, Climate Justice, and reform of the global food system.

In addition, we are echoing calls by Irish development NGOs (working through and Irish civil society’s Coalition 2030 for the SDGs, for increased EU financial support for achievement of the Global Goals; enhancement of international policies and mechanisms to reduce inequality, debt burden and the costs of climate adaptation; and for policy coherence for development.

Last but not least, Misean Cara is calling – during Laudato Si’ Week – for increased respect by EU policy makers for international law, civil society space, human rights and a rules-based multilateral order – in order to progress the “politics of fraternity” that Pope Francis has called for.

Such steps would greatly help tackle the crises the world is facing, including the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises, and build peace.

Alongside that, Misean Cara shared with members the Laudato Si’ Week Celebration Guide, offering actions to inspire ecological conversion, sustainable transport and food, and reducing waste, among other things.

Actions proposed for each day aim to inspire meaningful changes in interaction with the environment by individuals, groups and organisations; foster a deeper respect for creation; promote sustainable habits; and deepen commitment to personal, social and economic transformations that will amount to living Laudato Si’.

Check out the Laudato Si’ Action Platform to find ways that you join in a movement of bold and active response, both necessary and urgent, towards “Care for Our Common Home”. 

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