Launch of Misean Cara Annual Report 2019

Misean Cara’s Annual Report was presented to members at the AGM on 24th June, 2020.

The Report provides an overview of how Misean Cara supported over 350 projects worth over €15.2 million last year.

Misean Cara’s member organisations live and work with communities across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, delivering transformative change through education, health care, livelihoods, human rights and emergency work.

In 2019, this involved:

  • 102 education projects implemented by 38 members in 33 countries, worth a total of over €5 million, and reaching over 232,000 people
  • 57 health projects with 28 members in 19 countries. These projects served a total of over 600,000 children, women and men, and were valued at over €3.6 million
  • Working with over 83,500 people through 35 livelihoods projects in 15 countries. The projects were implemented by 20 members and involved funding of over €2 million
  • Supporting 46 project in human rights, implemented by 21 members in 37 countries, targeting over 380,000 participants to a value of over €2.6 million

Increasingly, Misean Cara’s members are responding to humanitarian crises in the communities where they work, whether these are caused by sudden-onset events like an earthquake or flooding, or by longer-term crises caused by drought, or displacement due to violence. In 2019, Misean Cara provided emergency funding and humanitarian assistance to over 89,500 people through 52 projects in 15 countries, implemented by 21 members. The total cost of the projects was just under €770,000.

Because our members live and work closely with communities, they come to a profound understanding of the challenges that people face, and are often able to collaborate in finding innovative solutions to these challenges. In 2019, Misean Cara made just over €430,000 available to 31 innovative projects to develop solutions adapted to their own communities, with opportunities to share the learning during the process.

We are aware, also, that a competent project team is an essential element in delivering lasting change in communities. We invest each year in developing the capacity of our members for this reason. In 2019, we provided capacity development support to 26 members in 30 countries, funding 34 projects to a total value of over €520,000.

Underpinning all of Misean Cara’s work is the missionary approach to development, a unique approach which affirms the dignity and rights of each individual, and seeks to assert those rights and defend that dignity. As a result of this, members’ projects are often multi-faceted, so it’s no surprise to see an education project with a nutrition component, or a livelihoods project that teaches literacy and numeracy skills.

The document is available for download here.

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